Love makes us human, and laughter keeps us sane, Fear drives us to nothingness, There and back again, but hope makes us human, and laughter keeps us sane.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Help! I seem to have lost a year!
Plans now stand as such:
Tomorrow-Finish literature review for thesis,go for watchnight service in church, and TSF countdown.
New Year's Day- sleep late,Type Lit. review,Print Lit review.
2nd January- To church again to paint props for Tsf water carnival(called H20).Happening on the 8th at Bukit Jalil Family Park( all invited).
No fun.Boring,boring,boring.(Except maybe the TSF countdown)*sigh*
My fault anyway.The lit review thingee was actually due last semester.But nevermind, 85% of my other coursemates also haven't passed up their's.Haha.
Oh, I have another assignment as well.:Constructing an icosahedral model of a T4 bacteriophage virus for virology class(taught by everyone's favourite Prof.- Dr. Khaty).I'll do that later.Dunno when-lah.Just later.
Semester started last Tuesday, after christmas.Took me THREE AND A HALF hours to drive back to Serdang from Melaka.Most of the time I was stuck behind this ugly brown truck.Almost fell asleep.
Christmas was nice, but quiet.On the eve of Christmas eve Mum, Sam and me went to the graveyard and repainted Joshua's headstone where all the golden engravings were washed away with age,as well as cleaning up Dad's and Gong gong's graves.On Christmas eve, My bro and me went to Portuguese settlement(10m from home) to look at the lights and stuff.We bought sparklers, which the both of us haven't touched since we were kids.Mum ordered Portuguese Chicken Pie, and that was super good.
On Christmas day,there was Curry Devil, Roasted chicken and mixed veg. from the same portuguese aunty who made the pies.Food, food, food.
Anyway, This is my LAST SEMESTER.I'm taking Virology,Lipid Metabolism, Korean 1 and French 3.
For now, It's back to my lit review on soy sauce and tempeh.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Tis' Christmas
The faithful friends,the ones you keep and the ones you lose.The ones you learn to love again, and the ones who'll persist in remembering you.
The family within four walls.
The material and the immaterial.
The smooth and rocky path that brought me here.
For when the BIG is taken away,all that's left to do is celebrate the small.
And when I do,I find, the small things matter most.
I celebrate my insecurities, for it makes me dependent on You , O Lord.
I celebrate Love in difficult times.
But most of all,I celebrate You.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
When it Rains
Mum and Sam came down last Wednesday,and stayed til Friday.I bunked in with them at The Summer Inn Hotel in Serdang Perdana, alternating between the lab and the hotel. It was a much needed emotional rest for all of us, after what the family has been through these past months.Went shopping in South City Plaza, but other than that not much.We stayed a lot in the hotel room and talked.
Was so depressed when I had to send them off to PuduRaya to catch a bus back to Melaka.But life goes on, and work helps me keep my mind off missing home.
On Sunday morning, I lost a friend.A sudden death until now not convincingly explained and the details are null.He was still okay when finals started.We can't understand. Why.
The realities of what we have read in our textbooks are now proving real, we begin to feel the pinch of what was only in theory, now affecting us in reality.
A curse on you, Pneumococcus pneumophila
for taking my friend away.
In Memoriam
(07.07.1983- 04.12.2005)
B.Sc(H)-Biochemistry, 3rd Year
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Was called home to the Lord on Sunday morning, in his hometown of Sibu, Sarawak due to heart failure.
"When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality,then the saying that is written will come true:"Death has been swallowed up in victory."
Where, O death is your victory?
Where, O death is yout sting?"
-1 Corinthians 15:54,55
Loyal friend and ardent student, even to the end.Deeply missed by his friends ,in our labs and our hearts.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
'Tis the Season
And a shopping centre I just visited are playing Chinese New Year songs
Go figure.
Mum and Sam are coming down next Wednesday for a short holiday in Serdang,and I've booked them into a hotel.Took me ages to find one that was cheap. The 3-5 star hotels in Serdang cost a bomb.Especially those owned by Mines i.e. Palace of the Golden Horses and Mines Resort.Even Residence Hotel in UNITEN cost like Rm240 a night(mare).
Anyway, with the help of some friends with very good eyesight and memory, I managed to find a good budget hotel near South City Plaza that cost RM80 per night.It's a real hotel too, not a hostel, not an inn.A real Hotel wth Astro in the rooms and carpets and everything.
Thanks to all the friends who kept a look out for me.
Yesterday I went for Asilah's open house in Taman Tun Dr. Ismail in Damansara.Went together with some other coursemates and some biochem students in a convoy of 4 cars(and 2 bikes).Real good food.I wish I had more of that Laksa Johor, but you know -lah.People's house, you're a guest, it's not good to stuff your face.Anyway, there was ABC too, and I requested extra Atapchi in mine.HAHAHA. All the drivers were guys, and I was in Taranjeet's car.Pijol,Azlan and Fendi drove the others.Dee & Afzan were on one bike, Zaid on another.Naim and friends came in a taxi.So Asilah's house was full of Faculty people.She even invited her Lab seniors who were postgrad students.The Iranians brought their wives along.There were plenty people.Her mum was real nice.So was the house, interior designed living room and patio/garden.Hidayah managed to take pictures, so I'll try to post them here later.
Later in the evening,Taran dropped me and Erin near Mid-Valley megamall, and we took a cab to church for evening service.
That was yesterday.
Caroline and I are planning to decorate a part of the lab for Christmas and start singing carols on Monday.Happy holidays to you all.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Sunday, November 20, 2005
I miss you guys too,Sin-Lin
This semester is almost coming to an end .I have my last paper "immunology" tomorrow morning(21st Nov).Then, it's back home to Melaka for a while,but not by choice.I'm back to settle an extended family dispute.Yes,feed me to the wolves.It's a question af inheritance.Feed me to the wolves,I am not afraid.I'm not a kid anymore.
I'll come back on Wednesday the next.
By then I'll know whether I'll still have a family or not.
Monday, October 31, 2005
I'm sick
I'm sick.Last Saturday evening as I was staying over in FGA's house 3 for the girl leaders' overnight retreat,I developed fever.Mild fever.I still have it. 37.4 degrees celcius.Do I have dengue?I don't know.Nobody does.We'll have to wait and see.Sunday was all hot flushes and sweating.But I told no one.
I'm sick.Today is Monday and I went to Pusat Kesihatan UPM to see a doctor.No fever detected.Blood pressure normal,appetite normal.Doctor says,we'll wait and see.In the meantime, Panadol and Vitamin C, and drink lots of water.
I'm sick, and my mum is worried sick.My housemates are paranoid, and the mosquitoes are still biting me, even though I've sprayed,turned on the VapeMat and rubbed repellent on my exposed skin.Very persistent creatures.There's something to learn.
I'm sick.Saturday evening as I was sitting down in a chat group with some other girl leaders,I told them about the list.
The list of "Definitions".It's a list I wrote one night,of all
the people that have ever hurt me in one way or another.I'm sick .Hence the list.I still keep it.I haven't come to a point where I want to burn and forget it.I know what God's telling me.Burn it .Let it go.Forgive.But I can't.Not yet.It's blocking me from Him.I know.
Don't try to post advice. I have enough.I already know what's right.I already know what should be done.Don't need you to tell me what to do.Don't assume you know what's going on in my life.Don't assume you're right*Whatever*I don't care.If you want to do something for me,here's what to do.Listen to me.
I'm sick.I'm fed-up.I'm just so sick.
Of people who think they're better than me.
Of people who think I'm stupid, just because i joke a lot.
Of people who assume that its their job to discipline me and tell me off,and are convinced they're doing the right thing.
Of people who talk to me as though I'm retarded.
Of inconciderate people who don't let me sleep at night because of
their noise.
Of people who think they're holier than me ,so they say things like, maybe it's you who is wrong that's why blah blah.
Yeah i know i'm wrong.It's always me .I make people hurt me.I'm horrible.That's why i deserve it.
One day I might just explode, and take something and start blasting these people's guts out.
Because i'm just so sick.I really feel like killing something.
Note:I'm serious.I don't don't need advice.I lost count after unwanted advice number 1544 or something.I need ears.Nobody's listening.They all seem to be talking.I think none of the advice worked because none af them actually listened.They just talked.and talked and talked.
Friday, October 28, 2005
There and Back Again
But I declare my own holidays now , as all final year students do because of our work commitments.Last Thurs the 20th Oct, after presenting my seminar on Monoclonal Antibodies and sitting for a French Oral test, I drove home to Melaka.Arrived after dark.That was the last day of the semester.
Spent 5 glorious days of nothing doing. Nothing. eat,sleep watch tv,sleep some more.Nothing constructive.And it did wonders for me, now I feel all refreshed.At home, got to eat all the things I missed.Chicken rice balls, satay celup etc,etc.
Then on Wednesday the 26th drove back to Serdang.Arrived at about 6.30pm and was in time to attend Melody's Final Graduation Piano recital at 8pm .She's a TSF/UPM senior, and a music student.This is her final sem.Recital was awesome.She played 4 pieces, Bach,Chopin, Schubert and Wang Jian-Zhong's Liuyang River.After that the whole tSF leadership team and some of us who didn't go back(who were all there to support her) went out for mamak.There were like 50 of us at the (joined) tables.Headache for Uncle,who had to take our orders gradually, like scales.Nice experience for me,cause I've never heard Mel play classical, because in church it's always contemporary when she's song-leading or on the keyboards.
Yesterday was Thursday.Back to the lab.I'm missing the protocols for total carbohydrate analysis of my tempeh extract.Suppose to see Hamim.Where's Hamim? Celebrating an early Raya.Really good news.Now how am I going to assay for sugars?
Oh,no! Dr. Mat Noor is gone too.Now what?Guess I'm on my own.
Borrowed 3 books from the library to fill up my time at night.The Handmaid's tale, Reindeer season,and Brothers Grimm complete collection.
Tomorrow is Saturday.Guy Sebastian is coming to FGA with a team from Paradise church, and I don't fancy him.Haha.Doesn't matter.After that, staying over at House 1 with the other girl TSF leaders for a slumber party.A weekend it is.
Finals for me starts on the 11th of November.Two papers.Statistics and Spanish 1. 6days after that French 2 and three days after that Immunology.
After that,who knows when I can go home again?Maybe before Christmas.No promises.
A big THANK YOU to mum, Joseph Raj(appa) and Dr. Khaty for giving me a ring before I presented the seminar.It helped calm my nerves ,that all of you care.
My literature review is done, but unwritten, and my sauce is going fine.Thanks for asking.
Note:Professor Dr. Khatijah Mohd. Yusoff (or Dr. Khaty as everybody calls her)is my superb seminar supervisor.One of those teachers you never forget.She couldn't attend my seminar because she was ill, but called me beforehand to inform me,and wish all the best.How many ppl do that?
Sunday, October 16, 2005
The 2 posts
The first post I wrote was called "definitions". It's a list people's bad habits.People I have met throughout my life, who have hurt me most deeply. There's definitions of
'Greed', "Impertinance", "Stupidity" , all that sort of thing.Written on a night when I was feeling particularly vengeful and grudgeful,which is bad.
The second post-on-paper is called "Conversations with Emma".About this talk I had with my friend Emma( love life guru and romance extraodinaire) about some personal stuff.She gave me some useful advice(from experience):
1)If you liked someone for forever,but he/she still doesn't know you exist, don't try to forget him/her.Don't run.You'll suffer.Just remain friends.Never run.(Which is what I've always been doing).Running physically okay, but not heart-wise.
2)One day the fella you've liked for forever will notice you( when she said this I sniggered because it'll never happen to me)
3)Stop holding on out of habit.Start opening up to other people.
That's all I'm revealing.The details are on paper,in a file, in a cupboard, in my room, in my apartment, in Serdang, in Selangor,blah,blah,yada,yada.
I'm happy when I think of the miracles He gave me.Like last last Saturday. I was sent by my faculty to listen to a postgraduate scholarship briefing.It was in KL,Jlan Sultan Ismail.After the briefing, at 4.00pm, I asked the abang who was fetching us(me & my fellow fac. representatives) whether he was going to pass Jln Kuchai Lama, that's where my church is. Service suppose to start at 6pm.I know that if I went back all the way to campus, and drove to church, I'll be late.The abang thought a while, and said sorry,no.The miracle is this, as the driver was taking the Sungai Besi road back to campus, he found it extremely jammed. So he took a detour into......Jalan Kuchai Lama.Hahaha!
So I took the chance to ask whether he could drive me to church.He said okay willingly, and there I was, driven to the doorstep.Not a coincidence.Definitely divine.Anyway, my friend Dayah who was in the NAZA KIA with me made me promise to call her if anything happened once I left the car.The NAZA KIA was so cool.It's new.The Faculty just bought it.Me and my friends were poking around when we borded, testing buttons, pulling down armrests.Even the plastic wraps were still on.If only I had so much money.....
Next story..Yesterday was waiting for the bus to church with Flo, Jasmine Ng and Jasonlim, who was reading a paper.He pointed out that this facewash company was having a contest where people sent their pictures in, and if you were gorgeous enough your pix was printed.And they gave you RM100 prize money.It was call the gorgeous face contest or something like that.
So unfair.I said to Flo.Giving money to someone just for being pretty.That's so unfair.What about fat ugly people like me.
Flo shrugged and said, the world loves beauty, and it is indeed unfair.That will never change.
So what about fat ugly people like me?
Sunday, October 09, 2005
A Love So....
I have lived 22 plus years on earth, and have enjoyed this love for so long, but have never told you about Him. About Jesus. Please don't turn off your PCs or log out of this page.If you already have a relationship with the Lord,that's great. If you don't know Him deeply, personally,please stay,hear me out.I never told anyone about Jesus when I was in school because I didn't want anyone to think I was a religious fanatic. But that's all irrelevant now.If I don't tell you today, I'm scared there's no more chance.Jesus is not a religion. With Him , it's a relationship, like with a parent, like with a best Friend. He's not a statue on the wall that we burn candles to, mutter incantations to or do rituals to.He is the one we run to in times of trouble, He's the one that gives us hugs when we need it the most, He's the one we cry to in the dark of night, when it seems that the whole world has turn it's back on us.He's the one who LOVES us when it seems that nobody does.He's the one who CARES so much he aches when you're depressed, and cries with you when you cry.
I have this with the Lord Jesus. Always had it.I don't know why, but these few nights it just hit me, that I'm being selfish like nothing, if I have something so REAL, but I'm keeping it to myself, because I'm scared of a stupid thing like what you think of me.Steph, Sin-lin, SuBing,and all the rest, I'm talking to you. I don't care anymore if you think I'm weird.I'm stark raving mad for all I care.
You guys are special to me, and I have this wonderful news, I can't keep it inside forever, I just have to share it because I love you guys.Jesus loves you ,always have.Always will. I know you're thinking,so what, christianity is just another religion. It's not a religion.Religion is where you go to a place of worship and find God. With Jesus, it's a relationship, God finds you. I repeat, God finds you.Searches for you, Knocking on your heart, asking to be let in.
I know sometimes in life I screw up, behave like garbage. Please don't reject what I have to say because of that.I'm not good at arguing theoretical stuff.I'm not good at defining concepts, explaining deep religious doctrines.All i say now is done in faith, and from experience.I've experienced a God who has never let me down, who is my Father and my best friend. He offers me so much security.
Some of you know the feeling of falling in love,( or imagining it). The euphoria, the flying feeling, Freedom. The feeling that "I can do anything now that my girlfriend/boyfriend is with me."
That's what I have with God. I understand some of you don't believe me, because God has always been somebody "high-up-there" that you can't touch.
He died for you,yes, for each of you, so that the He can touch you, and you can connect to Him.He died for you so that the "FAR UP THere" concept can be thrown away.
My hands are shaking right now. I'm not selling you a product. I won't be "sacked" from the arms of God if I don't meet a "quota".I'm not pressuring you.It's not about that.I love you. That's why I'm telling you this. Even if you think all this is crap, I'll still be your friend, still love you, and still want to meet up with you when we're both free.
He is real. I'm not imagining stuff up.And this is not an emotional burst type of thing. Please call or e-mail me if you wanna talk more.I'll always have ears.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Recycled for the Killing Cycle
Two Saturdays ago. attended Jennifer's and my ex-housemates' convo.And it Was CRAZY. I had to run around dewan besar looking for 7 people,giving them flowers and taking pictures.Somewhat like express dating.But it was cool cos' Jen bought us (me and Esther and Xiao)ice cream later, before we rushed off to church.Later that night, gave Curly Long(YeeLeng,my senior) a surprise birthday party,that almost went awry.This is because Yun Yee(my junior) guffawed at the wrong time.Anyway, we were all at her apartment, hiding in her darkened room, waiting for her to come up,come in and then we'd jump on her with all the effects.That was the elaborate plan.However....SOmeBody started laughing(That's clumsy long for you).
So we improvised.
Clumsy: er-hek haha erhek
Us: die-lah. Plan ruined(in our heads)
Curly: Eh, somebody in my room! You ah, Dong(Doreen Phee,another senior,Curly's housemate,mostly blur)
Us: *dragging Dong, pulling her outside*
Dong: Er, yehs.Hehe
Clumsy: Guffaws again, trying to disguise it as a caugh
Curly: Hah! got somebody else.Yu-Jin, you ah?(a first-year junior,foodscience student,Fantastic cook,always hanging around their apartment)
Yu-Jin: Haiya, you so cleverlah,we wanted to surprise you .Now tak jadi.
(So the conversation goes on in that vein)Until Curly really walks into her room, and the rest of us pounce on her,for good measure.And everything works out fine in the end.Including the chocolate milkshakes.
These 2 weeks are prayer emphasis weeks for TSF, so tomorrow until Friday, I'm going on a normal fast(no solids, only water/liquids) and will be accompanied by all the Muslims cos' Ramadan starts tomorrow too.Difference is, they can break at dusk.I have to keep it up for 3 days straight.Which will be a challenge, since a Ramadan bazaar opens every evening right in front of my apartment block and will continue for the whole of the fasting season.Chia yu!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Mooncake Festival
A photo of my current housemates,from left: Chun Wei,Yu Yee,her sister Yen Hsien,Tuz Kuang,my roommate Hui Fen and me.This was taken on Sunday,18/9/2005 in conjunction with the mid-autumn festival a.k.a. mooncake festival on our apartment balcony.
Buffet Photo
This is a shot of the International Buffet last Friday evening, presented by the final year food science students of UPM.It was held outside in the courtyard of the Food Science Faculty, which was beautifully decorated,like an outdoor garden.The food was wonderfully good.My only complaint was that the weather outdoors was hot, and the entertainment was null.
My friend the cook is in the centre(standing,with striped cap), and the rest are my housemates and some friends.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Happy in Your Arms
As expected of a final year university student,life is extremely packed, therefore blog entries are few and far between. I am no exception.No apologies are required for this transgression, and no explanations demanded.I demand none from my friends, and hopefully you will demand none from me.So, from now onwards i won't apologize for not writing.There are far more important things in life that are higher on "the List".
On a lighter note,
Plenty.Just to give you an idea: last week was mid-sem break for a week but i didn't go home because had to take care of my project,and just this morning I discovered that one of the earthenware jars containing soy sauce (that I'm making myself) is contaminated with maggots.&@!#*$~% maggots.Had to throw the whole jar away and start again.Don't mind starting again. Just that traditional soy sauce takes at least 4 months to ferment completely.That's until December for you.Woohoo.(waht to do,these things happen in a project).
Why not just buy the supermarket one? you ask.(Well, many have)
This is because commercial soy sauce is full of preservatives, and cannot support growth of Bifidobacteria(that's a friendly bact. found in your tummy) whose growth in soy sauce I'm studying. So everything has to be natural and chemical-free.Commercial soy sauce also doesn't ferment naturally.These taukeh kilang all use chemicals to speed up the process.So...
To answer all your questions..Yes, I'm doing a lot of cooking.No, it's not always fun.
Almost every weekend is spent in the lab nowadays.*sigh*
Ya, ya , ya, FGA Sunday evening service is now on Saturday evenings, which is good, because can stay on late after TSF and sleep myself silly on Sunday mornings.
3)Tests,Exams,Assignments and all that rot
Just finished French 2 mid-sem test yesterday.Next week, Statistics test 2 and Spanish 1 Mid-sem exam.
Monday,an Immunology presentation, which my friends and I plan to do as a Mime. yes, you read correct, Mime.None of that boring stand-in-front-with-slides-and-talk kind of things.Everybody does that,and half the time the class is'Muka Tembok' and don't understand anything(trust me, i also muka tembok many times).So we're all gonna dress up as antibodies, cells and bacteria.There's also an umbrella and leather jacket in the props.dun ask.
3)Happy things
My ex-housemates' convo is on saturday the next,and tonight there's an international buffet being presented by the final year Food Science students,so I'm going.It's actually to support a friend who is cooking tonight.Basically all we have to do is pay,eat and fill in the assessment form at the end.So we're actually grading the students (*evil laugh*)on several aspects, not just cooking, but also on overall ambience, cutlery arrangement, service etc.etc.Anyway, my friend has already given the menu to me, sounds interesting.Here it is:
Appetizers/Starters: Garden Salad with 3 different sauces,Tiny buns filled with Salmon(can't remember The German Name) and Potato/Crab meat cream soup
Main courses:
1.Platter of 5 types of Sushi
2.Ayam Percik with white rice
3.Spiralli(pasta) with spicy sausage sauce(the one my friend is cooking)
4.Meatballs in cheese sauce.
5.Fish fillet
6.Sauted Vegetables
7.Tempura vegetables
Dessert: Cheese tartlets,fruits,tea and coffee.
So,life is good.Good things don't have to happen for life to be good. Just the way you look at it.That's why I think in Uni I learn to be contented in God's arms.Contented, no matter what happens.
Monday, August 15, 2005
The Haze Anthem
Tanah tumpahnya jerebu,
Rakyat hidup, tersesak dan layu,
Rahmat bahgia,
Penjual topeng muka.
Raja kita,
Kena pakai juga.
Rahmat bahgia, penjual topeng muka,
Raja kita,
kena pakai juga.
Note: Haha. Creative isn't it? I didn't write it though.Somebody else did.It's been going around on sms.First heard it when Gloria and Anne sang it last night as a games forfeit.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Dr.M mobbed by UPM students
Thank God that wasn't the headline the morning after Dr. Mahathir came to UPM to give a public lecture last Friday.Anyway, this is the picture my friend James took while standing on a chair behind me in the Dewan Besar. I didn't download this from Bernama or Bloomberg. This is original.Asli.Registered Trademark,Copyrighted(to James).I'm not in the pix though.*sigh*
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Les controles , c'est fin
Translation:Yess! Exams are over.I am very happy, the "jerebu" is also over.Today, I'm very free because this morning, i had my last paper, statistics.After that, I celebrated my friend Hani's birthday at old flats with a fruit cake.Now, I'm reading my other friends blogs and writing in my own.Tomorrow, there's a satay party in my church FGA.
Note:No, I'm not doing it to show off.My french really isn't at all good. I must apologise to all of you who can "parle le langue francais" fluently for my misspellings(computer does not support the proper marks) and horrid grammar.Just thought I'd practice.Someone gave me the idea,because they kept their lab logbook in a foreign language for privacy.I thought since this is a personal log, I could also do that when I want to write something private down.
In other News: The recent haze has caused yours truly to suffer from severe cough, from which I'm still recovering.
Friday, August 05, 2005
The Long Day
I started the day at 8am and it ended at 7pm.And my mind is on overdrive from the adrenaline.Anyway,here are some highlights:
8.40am-Arrived at department.Tried to enter myco lab.Door locked.
8.50am-went for Immunology class.
10.00am-tried to enter lab again,still locked.This time managed to locate lab-mate/guardian of keys Afid,got keys from her, and went in to check on my soya beans,and Caroline's yeast.
11.00am-Spanish class.
12.30pm-went home to get project file and logbook,which I forgot to bring.
1.00pm-Lunch near library.Met jin Nee and Elizebeth
1.15pm-Awwright!I get to keep keys over the weekend.So went in to lab and did sendirian berhad stuff like weighing beans,exploring fridge for reagents,opening drawers to look for chemicals,poking around rotary evaporizer,etc,etc.
1.30pm-Appointment with Dr. Khaty( Dr. Khatijah Yusoff,deputy dean and my seminar supervisor).
2.10 -Returned to lab and re-weighed beans on electronic weighing machine downstairs in MICROB LAB 1. 600g.
3.05-rushed to Dewan Besar for a public lecture by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad.Very nice.Didn't get to shake hands though.Too many people.I got squashed by the other students mobbing him at the end.
Shall try to post pictures taken by my friend/church-mate/IK-mate James,who I ran into there,who tried to climb on my head to get shots.
5.00pm-went to bank,lined up and checked account(finally)
5.30pm-To Library to photostate journal articles from before 2000,which were not found online.While there,read newspapers also.
6.30pm-Finally came home.Met Flo while tapau-ing McD's at 8.00pm
now-watching Fantastic 4 with housemates on Computer
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Money, Money,Money
SAvE Us! SaVe uS!
The lines at the on-campus Bumiputra-Commerce ATM is Looooooong.Really Loooooooooooong.Looooooooooong until the cows come home type of looooooooooong.So this means I'll have to wait until the "I'm-rich-I'm rich" fever dies down,which will be sometime next week.*sigh*
In other news, yours truly has just got Streamyx 2 days ago.Broadband summore.Sharing with the housemates,so I'm only paying RM11 per month.Velly
Anyway this week,plenty of things are happening.
1)Thursday (tomorrow)- Biotech Exhibition in Conjuction with the launch of the new Biotech Faculty.Minister of higher education coming.I've been recruited by my supervisor to take care of our booth,with my other supervisor-mates.There's plenty of fun things going on.Free tempeh and red-beet coffee samples, free facial with Lingzhi Face products and cooking demonstration.guess we will eat-cook-eat-cook-do facial- and eat some more!
2)Saturday- COST evangelistic concert by TSF in church.
3) Sunday morning-Dogathon.Organized by Vet Faculty.Was invited by my vet friends Gerry, Mark,Doreen & Ah Teh.Plenty of doggies running around.There is a owner-Dog look-a-like contest, doggy race,treasure hunt,doggy dress up and many more.
And....I've got to pass up my proposal.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Hokkien Mee
That's the name of my group.The others had equally exotic names.Chee Cheong Fun,Pasembor,Karipap,Char keow tiau,Chapati, Wan tan mee,etc.etc.This was taken before we drank some funny concoction(with eggs,celery,chili,garlic,carrots) ,crawled in egg,were pelted by water bombs,put shampoo on our hair,drank and spat out soy sauce,filled a cup with our spit,and other stuff.Picture taken after we drew group logo on each other with our toes.
Note: Thanks to Audrey cruise for 'egging' us on.
Misty Devotion
My group doing morning devotion outdoors.We were among the few who did it outside in the clouds and cold.But it was fun.I dunno what Soon Yen is doing,trying to prophecy? I'm partially hidden.
TSFcamp Group Picture
A group photo of us TSFers on last day before leaving.I am in front row,somewhere in the middle,with maroon shawl.See..I wasn't lying about the numbers.
Note:A big Thank You to Lemuel of HELP college for all pictures
Monday, August 01, 2005
More, Lord!
I got my Project title 2 weeks ago, and I wanna thank the Lord for answering my prayers that it be something about fungus, not genetics.(refer to previous,previous,previous post)
Testimony time:(jeng,jeng,jeng)
This year,new faculty name(used to be Fakulti sains&Pengajian alam sekitar, now Fakulti Bioteknologi& Sains Biomolekul) new policy.If before we were assigned supervisors,this time we drew out by lots.So, everyone put their hands in the envelope and took out the name of their supervisor.Very nerve wrecking.So I put hand in....and got a genial old man named Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd. Noor Abdul Wahab.Affectionally known to us students as 'Mat Noor Kulat'.Favourite words include 'Lingzhi' and 'Ganoderma extract'.Also very good at making tempeh.
So after a false start with another title,and some struggles that best friend,sister-in-Christ & prayer partner Caroline(who, by divine miracle,drew out the same supervisor) and I went through,my
title got finalised last Monday.Therefore:-
Title:Effects of Fermented Soybean Cake(Tempeh) extract on the growth of Bifidobacteria in soy sauce.
In essence,I'm doing a lot of cooking,since both tempeh and soy sauce has to be made in the lab.Pure Joy.So I spent the last few days de-hulling soya beans.For those of you wondering how this connects to fungus,both soy sauce and tempeh are basically foods fermented into being by the fungi Rhizopus sp. and Aspergillus respectively.This is a triple miracle, because I not only got my favourite subject(fungi) but it intertwines with my 2nd favourite subject Food Microbiology, and finally, I'm working with Caroline.In a class of 49, what are the chances of ur best friend getting the same supervisor as you?
This is definitely the hand of God.It's a bit too much to just be a coincidence.I don't believe in coincidences.Never will ,especially after what happened over the weekend,and this is the 2nd story.
Testimony 2:
Over last weekend I went up to Genting Highlands with the Tertiary Students Fellowship of FGAKL(church where I'm serving now).It was awesome.Not because of the games(which were fun),not the food, not the speaker,not the cool weather,not even the friends(whom I love), but because of the presence of God.Jesus Christ was there.It was so strong.I saw things I've never seen before.I saw a UPM junior of mine who was usually quite and reserved,who came from an Anglican background,who usually doesn't talk much in CG,I saw her go on her knees and weep in the presence of God.I saw divine boldness come upon her when she went up on stage,took the microphone and prophesied on the camp speaker(Christian Cortes).Yes,you read correctly.I saw people who never danced or even clap during worship start jumping.I saw numbers.In years past,TSF camp never had more than 50 people.This year we had almost 140(or more,can't remember).At the beginning of this semester,as with previous years, UPM group had 30 or less regular church-goers.In Three weeks, Three weeks!, we have grown to almost 60.And will keep on growing.And growing.And Growing.Our current one bus is not enough.Next week we go to church in 2 buses.Amen.People are getting saved in our prayer meetings.Wow.*Exhale*
So,this is what it's like to live in Revival times.
What is the key?one word:Prayer.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Zion CG at wedding
Above are some members of my on campus cell group who attended the wedding with me.Weng Yan,Jasley and Su Lin are not shown.anyway, L-R is Wendy, Ai Lyn, Caroline, Elizebeth and me.The semester has just started, and I haven't got project title yet.So, all is calm before the storm
Wedding Pictures
Like I promised, these are some photos taken at Joseph and Eunice's wedding in January of this year.Jo and Eunice(or more affectionately known as appa and amma)are our leaders at Tertiary students fellowship in FGA KL. They are very dear to us, their 40 odd kids.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Thank Heavens for friends
Wonderful photo colage done by my friend Yeow Sin-Lin. I think it's beautiful.the photos were taken on her mobile when we were out at wings and fulltank cafe. Thank so much , Sin-lin.
Note: I think the others look great.I look horrible, I mean, somebody needs to lose weight.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Also, I tend to get sentimental when i'm sick.Hence this inventory;
Current good things in life(no particular order)-
-Jesus, who is always there for me,never forgets me, never lets me down.
-1 mum & 1 Younger brother ,Sam
Wonderful friends from school-time, Su Bing, Sin lin , Steph. Hwei hsien,Sook Fun,Adeline, Kwee Hoon.
-Close knit friends in varsity- Caroline, Akmal, emma, hani, Dayah,Asilah.
-All My IK friends
-Jo and Eunice
-My books
-Enough money to study in Uni
-Housemates who treat me like Family
-Good grades
-A Course that i enjoy
-A car that runs
-TV set in my room
-and many others
Things not so good:
-Losing my Dad
-My Form 6 years
-One horrid experience with a horrid 'friend' in first year of Uni.( i did learn to be more careful choosing friends, so i dunno whether this counts as good or bad)
So, you see, or rather, I see, that the Good in life far outweighs the bad.Why don't you try doing one today?
Note: Steph, do you remember Jonathan Brandis? we used to go ga-ga over him and other cute teen stars when we were in Standard 6? Remember Casper, 3 ninjas kickback, seventeen magazines and sweet valley novels littering the classroom? remember Ms Tan and Embroidery?
Are you still keeping yours?
Today I found out online that Jonathan Brandis comitted suicide in Nov 2003. There goes our childhood memories.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Death and Life and everything besides
It's the start of June, and i have one more month of Practical Training at Melaka General Hospital. Last month on the 18th of May a few fellow trainees dragged( well, actually i asked to be dragged) me to a witness a post mortem conducted at the forensic pathology dept. a.k.a. the morgue.
It all began nicely enough, when one of my friends called the morgue in the morning and they said there was a body coming in.So we trooped down to the basement level and walked in.... walked ... walked.... walked....into the bilik pemeriksaan bukan muslim.. and there lying on the steel table was a chinese man. They were sewing him up. What a disapointment.Apparently we were late and the post mort was already done.Anyway, we stayed a while to watch the sewing-up. The male attendant told us the chinese guy was in his 50s and died the evening before after a game of badminton,when he collapsed and died on the spot.Cause of death:Heart attack. What hit me was that the pathologist and attendants don't arrange inner organ back into the body before sewing up. They just stuff everything in...and..they sew up bodies with ..of all things..kite strings.That's what the attendant said, asked him myself:
Me:Uncle, ini jahit punya benang buat dari apa?
Attendant: tu....main layang-layang punya(elaborate up & down hand gestures)ini sendiri beli punya.
Meaning that the strings weren't ordered from some uppity medical supplies company,but bought from your usual neighbourhood kedai runcit.
Anyway, my friends made the morgue people promise to call us once another body arrives. Which happened quite soon.After lunch.
So, we trooped down once again.This time it was a chinese girl. Died after an accident that happened the morning itself.Only after the post mort was done however, did I learn, from various sources that she was 16, that she was on her motorbike going to school when she met with an accident, and died of concussions to the head and other organs from being flung off her bike and hitting the road. Top student.Only sixteen.The day after she died, her entire school took off so that they could go to her funeral.Only sixteen.
this time, i got to see a full post mort.They started by removing her brain, first cutting her scalp from ear to ear,tearing it open to the top and bottom, then drilling through the skull, finally, reaching the brain, snipping off some connective tissue.The brain was weighed, and then the doctor proceeded to slice the brain, to look for clots, which was very much like slicing banana cake. Every half inch, slice, half inch, slice.The brain is placed back into the body by wrapping the mass up in muslin cloth(or cheese cloth, couldn't really tell) and placing it back into the skull compartment, putting back the drilled-off skull top, closing the scalp and sewing it back.Simultaneously,the chest was sliced open with a scalpel, the top ribs were cut off and removed like how one removes a breast-plate of armour, and the doctor literally put her hand in and rummaged for the desired organ...lung, heart,spleen,etc.After that ,it ended with the usual sewing.
Did i mention that the one and only Physician at Patologi forensik is a lady?A quite petite malay lady.She needed an extra wooden platform(about15-20cm high) to be tall enough to bend over the corpse on the steel table.Heart of a lion ,that one.
H'okay.Whew. That's it then. A few afterthoughts:
I don't remember getting quesy and didn't lose my apetite.(thank God)Didn't feel nausea,didn't fell squemish.But I did feel shaky all over until evening.I do remember thinking about the families of both these people.the one thought inside me was the grief, the pain, the sudden emptiness, the void, the hole that these 2 people left on their friends,families. They were real people with friends, loved ones, dreams, aspiration, secrets, sadness, just like me, just like all of us,just like you.
especially the girl.I'm sure the night before as she was packing for school, it never crossed her mind- This might be my last day alive...... or...... tomorrow I die.But it was her last night. I don't think i might ever grasp what her parents are going through.i use the word"are" because the death of a child is the deepest grief on earth, deeper that any other grief and worse than any other pain.Try speaking to people who have lost children. It's the hardest pain to heal, the hardest to let go.I have spoken to one. My Mum.
Ironically, just a few floors above the Forensic Dept. is the Gynaecology & Obstetrics ward, where all the babies are.
Note: Some background info on both victims were obtained from conversations with people who knew people who knew these people.Not all info obtained from conversations with Hospital personnell.Melaka is a small place.
Monday, May 23, 2005
On May 2nd i started my Industrial training at Hospital Melaka(Huge place, if i may say so myself).I'm currently attached to the Microbiology department of the Pathology Lab. The past few weeks i have been dealing with plenty of human fluid samples. You name it, we got it.Urine, HVS (high vaginal Swabs), stool(in other words s**t), cerebrospinal fluid, pus, blood, sputum(yuck!), etc, etc...
The workload is not heavy at all, and there's plenty of time to bond with the adults working there, who are surprisingly very warm and friendly.there are about 6 MLTs (medical lab technicians) and several pegawai sains at the microbe lab and I'm treated quite well for a trainee.There's only one other trainee around, and she'll be leaving in a week, which will leave only yours truly at the microbe lab.
This experience is opening doors I can only dream about. This includes watching two post mortems being performed on the same day( an interesting story i will save for the next entry)
and developing an allergy which landed me in the A&E( accidents and Emergency ward) of which account I shall give in full next entry.
So far, many changes. My good friend Deborah has graduated and is going to Thailand on a mission trip before she enters the working world, which is her firstfruit offering to God. To her i wish Godspeed.
All For now, is this.
Friday, March 18, 2005
The eNd Of thE SeMesTer
I turned 22 on the 1st of March 2005. That day was a Tuesday, and I had lecture from 9am to 1pm nonstop with a lab session from 2-5pm. So nobody celebrated. Not even me.(but I did get many sms greetings,handshakes and a card from my 6 best friends)
However.......... things got interesting the next day, wednesday the 2nd of March, when i turned up for morning class, the 6 best friends were all dressed in pink, and they (pretended) to say "oh, sorry, we forgot to tell you, today we decided to all wear pink" During lunch break, they sort of suggested we don't eat our normal place and go to this air-coned place. And 2 people pretended to go and photostate something, but were actually going to collect my cake from the facul;ty of food science. Anyway, we were sitting down eating, when suddenly the cake came in and they started singing happy birthday. Hahahaha. that was a surprise. Apparently they all wore pink to celebrate.So that was the first cake. At CG that night, my CG members bought a cake(carrot cake) and we celebrated a second time. the saturday before this, my housemates bought Tiramisu cake and we celebrated. So this year, I had 3 cakes for my birthday, and I'm happy.It's as though God knows i was disappointed last year during my 21st when I didn't celebrate at all because it was the middle of exam week.So, he 's trying to make up.
Anyway, I thank Him for it , a lot.
By the way, have you all seen lemony Snicket's a series of unfortunate events? Saw it last week. Nice ,very nice, I highly recommend.
this is the last week of lecture,
Jo & Eunice are in Bali for their honeymoon.
easter is coming up, and I'm going home today. yay
Note: I don really like pink.i tolerate others wearing it, but will never wear it myself.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
After So Many Things
1.Attended the wedding of the century (involving joseph raj and eunice yeap)
2.Celebrated Chinese new year
3. Sat for 4 tests, 2 quizes and written 6 lab reports.
Woooooooo-hoooo.It's all (almost) over(i still have 2 reports to pass up on friday, this).
CNY was sorta restless.It was pitched in the middle of exam season.However, I did get a lot of ang-pau, meet a lot of long lost relatives ,spend quality time with the family and socialize with my Grandma's guard dog,Aloy (Ah-Loy in Chinese).Half golden retriever and half dunno-what.
Now, the wedding.....
-was great
-however, bride got the jitters and dropped the wedding ring in midst of vows.
-all was well when she managed to get it all together.
-ring bearer apparently handed the wrong ring to the bride(*sigh*,patrick,Patrick)
-we UPMers did a song presentation.
-There were 35 of us there.
-that number does not include the UPM alumnis' who were guests.
-Majority of the manpower came from UPm or TSF.(Sharlene Teh was an usherer)
-UPMers were food servers.(so we literally sang for our supper)
-Merina Anu wore a dress.( scandal,scandal)
-After everything ended, at 9.00pm I went back and watched Star-Wars episode 5 .The Empire Strikes Back.(the Luke- I- am- your- father episode)
-At the same time , the bride and groom went home, took a shower and went for Mamak together !
(roti canai and maggi goreng)
-That's where they told the mamak uncle they just got married.and he stared at them in disbelief.
Photos and DVD are going to be released soon. Shall try to put some photos on this website.
The semester is going to end in about 1.5 months.Next sem I'm going to start my project.I'm starting from now to pray that I get a good(sane) supervisor and something to do with fungus, not genetics.
Note: Congratulations to appa & amma .We love you.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
In The Midst Of Rest
This is good, all my friends and I are home with the family, and our agenda is mostly the same:-
1. Eat a lot(of stuff that don't remind you of cafeteria food)
2.Sleep a lot
3.Be happy
My list would include also the following:-
1.Shop till I drop for Chinese new year clothes.
2.Watch plenty of VCDs
3.Read a lot of good story books borrowed from library
4.Go to bank.
5.Play computer games
Generally, my list includes stuff that don't require a lot of brains.However, I did help my brother Sam with add math homework just now, wonder if that counts against me.
Talking about shopping,
It's so terribly hard to get decent clothes nowadays.I scoured the whole of Mahkota Parade yesterday, and only managed to find one blouse.Everything is either too revealing or too 'old' looking.Wazzup with fashion? most of everything I saw either has plunging neckline, too little cloth, too transparent , etc. It seems that the theme this season is " Let's -just-cover-the-essential-parts".*exasperated moan*
Currently, to kill time, I'm reading this book called 'Scarlett' which is the (not too good) sequel to 'Gone with The Wind'.You see, Margaret Mitchell wrote GwTW, but died soon after ,so the (pumpkin headed) members of the Margaret Mitchell foundation hired another lady to write the sequel, which I now(hesitantly) read.the review can be given in the form of a make believe dialogue between the lead characters:-(Note: All conversation in Southern American accent)
Scarlett: Oh,Rhett
R. Butler: Oh' Scarlett, we meet again, in this horrible sequel.
Scarlett: oh,Rhett, the horror, the horror.. why couldn't they just leave us alone?
R. Butler: Darling, can't you see...... they did it for the money
Scarlett: Oh.. those heartless fools.They've killed off some favourite characters
Mammy: Like me.
Scarlett: Oh. Mammy, what are we to do?
Mammy: Nu'thin miz Scarlett.The public ain't no airheads.T'hey gonna figure dis out,and this dumb sequel ain't gonna see the light of day.
Note: Ze author iz an advocate of ze thing called Free Speech.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
A Solemn Celebration
A time of sadness, a time of celebration.We live in a time when the world does not know which to do, to cry or to cheer.And so they do both.
This year, we celebrate the strangest of new years.When the average unaffected person does not know what to do, for the reason to mourn seems irrelevent, yet we must honour those who do.
Somebody downloaded Tsunami disaster amateur footages from CNN on to the desktop of this computer,and I was watching it just now.There was one from Phuket,where the waves came so suddenly that its full strength was not known till it hit the beach,where a few people were still walking about,oblivious to the danger.I hope they are safe.In the footage, the waves were engulfing them and a lot of people from the higher level beachfront were running towards them,trying to save them.The footage ended there.So we do not know.
Chemistry test on the 1st of January was pushed back to the 8th.So my complaint, God answered.To show He still cares, He still listens and He knows.
I spent New year in watchnight service FGA KL.After that, went over to Jo and Eunice's place for a slumber party.Sad, everything was sad and quiet.That was new year's day. Sad ,solemn and quiet. No countdown,no shouts,but I'm not complaining.I saw this footage from CNN that was showed in church while we were at watchnight service praying.
Did you know, there were so many bodies in Sri Lanka that the authorities could not embalm them properly,so what they did was just to spray disinfectant on the bodies piled up.I study this type of things,decomposition of bodies and the microbes that cause that.So that image hit me hard.
I've signed up with church missions team to go to Sri Lanka to help rebuilding somewhere in April.
French lecturer says,If you can't give much money, at least we can give our services.So there.
Test season is almost over except for French paper tomorrow.Au'revoir.
Note:Bonjour mon ami et ma amie a Melaka.Je vais bien.Et vous?