Saturday, February 18, 2006

I'm on the Right Track

You Should Learn French

C'est super! You appreciate the finer things in life... wine, art, cheese, love affairs.
You are definitely a Parisian at heart. You just need your tongue to catch up...

Vous etes vrai, c'est super.
At least I'm doing SOMETHING right.

You Are Pumpkin Pie

You're the perfect combo of uniqueness and quality
Those who like you are looking for something (someone!) special

Call me Pumpkin Pie!

My Lab Was Robbed

Dear Lord,
Two days ago my lab got robbed, but of course You already know that.The person who did it must have been pretty deperate.Why do I say this? because who in their right mind wants to rob a laboratory? What can you steal-lah? Sodium Permanganate?Potato Dextrose Agar? NaOH?
But Lord, I must thank You that not too much was was stolen(only Sabil's not too new handphone and Emma's bagpack which contained only her matric card). Too bad I wasn't there to witness it.
Thanks for making French mid-sem quite okay. I knew Madame would set some bombastic-worded passage for comprehension. I just thank you that this time it wasn't so bad. But I still dunno why Lucie was "stupefait". Was it because her friend gave her "deux bissous" or because the appartement was too small?
I think I also screwed up the matching answer-quetion one. I didn't know that << Pourquoi est-ce que vous etes jete vote montre?>> meant "Why did you throw your watch away?". I thought it meant why is the party so cheap? hahaha.Anyway the correct answer was "Parce que elle n'est pas marchait", "Because It's not running."
You know the dilemma I'm in now.I put my future in Your hands. I know that if I do Your will, I'll always end up exactly where You want me to be, doing exactly what You want me to do.This is part of the proof:

Your Career Type: Investigative

You are precise, scientific, and intellectual.
Your talents lie in understanding and solving math and science problems.

You would make an excellent:

Architect - Biologist - Chemist
Dentist - Electrical Technician - Mathematician
Medical Technician - Meteorologist - Pharmacist
Physician - Surveyor - Veterinarian

The worst career options for your are enterprising careers, like lawyer or real estate agent.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Shake Me Up Jesus(Part 2)

More piccies:
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A picture of someone taking a picture. Whoa...deep.
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Yee peng showing off her effort. Nowadays kids are very hi-tec.
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Shake me up Jesus, From the inside out(inside out), Come on, come on come on Jesus,by Your holy power!

We also gave them some hampers we wrapped last Wednesday, containing stuff we ourselves donated.Mostly junk food. Very cruel, no?  

I've come to realise that this is what I want in life, to give.I'm sorta sick of thinking about myself all the time.It's time to wke up, and look around, the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few.Ask the Lord of the harvest....................

Shake Me Up Jesus

On Saturday, a group of us from Ikatan Kristian UPM visited Rumah Faith( a branch of Desa Amal Jireh), a children's home in Kajang.We went in 6 cars, one of them was mine, and arrived to find:
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Children !( and some big buffaloes that look like UPMers)
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They wash their own shoes. Do you?
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Amy and Wai Loon are Hot! Check out the cuties on the left.
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Ooo.. does that mean that if I give all my money, I don need to pay tax at all?
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Somebody enjoying Mamee monster..
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My group members...the Ducks! Quack, quack!
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Sotong and Kai Lee have their backs turned.
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Amy has her hands on her hips..
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And I am shocked. Haha.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Miscellaneous Blogstuffs


Just posting a bit of leftover pics from here,there and everywhere.Firstly is a pix that was taken at my ex-room mate ,Shirina's convo.She was a real good room mate.Very patient and maternal.Anyway, she's now a  biology teacher in her hometown of Mukah, Sarawak.
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Shirina in robe and mortar-board, with all the gifts from her fans.

Remember I said I was taking Korean as an elective? Part of the grade comes from us joining this week-end  culture/reading club thingee organized by my lecturer, Ps. Jung.The following pix were taken at the first session (Jan 21st), where I got to try on a hanbok(korean traditional dress) and learned the art of Korean bowing(melutut ,not memanah)
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Me and Ps. Jung's daughter, Grace.
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The Korean flag is on my right. The club is held in my lecturer's TaeKwanDo centre, that explains the other flag.So now you can sorta figure out that my Sir is a lecturer, TaeKwanDo instructor and ordained Pastor. Talk about multi-tasking!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Swept up in Hallyu

Happy Chinese New Year to all my peeps.
Have been on Non-paid leave from blog because:
1)Plenty Tests (last one on Friday 27/1/06)
2)Went Home after tests for CNY
3)Home has no streamyx
4) Only dial-up
5)Dial-up slow.
6)Too lazy to dial-up.Behind is too heavy. *cough*. Not to mention annoying high pitched noises when dialing.

NEways, CNY was a quiet affair with a lot of Coca-Cola,and Korean Drama VCDs. Which I like, but have no patience to complete.So I take the easy way out: Fast forward and skip all even numbered VCDs.So I managed to complete in 4 days:
1. The Sad Love Story-20 VCDs.Corny title, monotonous story line, but got Kwon Sang Woo inside, which means *watch anyway*.

2. The Road Home -korean movie(not series) which is different because it has no romance. About the relationship btw a boy and his mute grandmother.

3.Divine love - Average Korean movie.Again with cutie Kwon Sang Woo.This time he's a Catholic priest wannabe, who...well ,I can't reveal the ending.Suffice to say that it involves a girl.

4.Windswept- Korean movie.Watched this on TV. Verdict:Boring. Will appeal to people who want their boyfriends turned into wind when/if he dies, and follow them around everywhere as moving air.What a kinky concept.Pour moi, I'd rather have my privacy.

5.Friends (not the Central Perk one)-Collaboration drama between Japan and Korea,with Kyoko Fukada and Won Bin.No chemistry.Proly cos they both dun understand what the other is saying.

6.Pride and Prejudice-English movie. Liked it.Loved it.Was very faithful to Jane Austen's book.Casting very well done.


Returned to campus on Saturday February 4th.
Serdang house is chock full of cookies and mandarin oranges.
Evening went to church.
Then dinner with UPM gang at Kuchai Entrepeneur Park.I had KimChi Ramen.

Sunday, went to visit sick friend in Hospital Serdang.Very fancy-smancy, stylo-mylo and hi-tec-by-tec for a government hospital.Building was very modern-scmodern,and UPM's new medic fac is around it.
Tried making a batch of Kim Chi myself.Not bad.Quite easy.Taste a bit like HumChoy.

Monday,Found out that Korean teacher Jung SongSaeNim is actually a Pastor(Presbytarian).Read finish online novel:The Society fot the Betterment of Mankind by Jennifer L. Armstrong.

That's it.

Note:Hallyu or Han ryu means Korean Wave.