Thursday, February 09, 2006

Miscellaneous Blogstuffs


Just posting a bit of leftover pics from here,there and everywhere.Firstly is a pix that was taken at my ex-room mate ,Shirina's convo.She was a real good room mate.Very patient and maternal.Anyway, she's now a  biology teacher in her hometown of Mukah, Sarawak.
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Shirina in robe and mortar-board, with all the gifts from her fans.

Remember I said I was taking Korean as an elective? Part of the grade comes from us joining this week-end  culture/reading club thingee organized by my lecturer, Ps. Jung.The following pix were taken at the first session (Jan 21st), where I got to try on a hanbok(korean traditional dress) and learned the art of Korean bowing(melutut ,not memanah)
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Me and Ps. Jung's daughter, Grace.
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The Korean flag is on my right. The club is held in my lecturer's TaeKwanDo centre, that explains the other flag.So now you can sorta figure out that my Sir is a lecturer, TaeKwanDo instructor and ordained Pastor. Talk about multi-tasking!

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