Hamster Testimonial
Originally uploaded by TuesdayAgain.
When the week of tests is over,a whole bunch of other things start to crop up.I feel like the cayote being bullied by the road runner.(Or rather the other way around).Like an ACME anvil is being thrown down at me from a precipice.My dean's list certificate was not printed,handphone charger malfunctioned,and my car radiator seems to be drinking more water than me(meaning,it's using lots of water...No,it's not leaking).And one more thing,I don't think I can go home during the uni's mid semester break because of academic commitments. *sigh*
Wish I could be as relaxed as our friend in the picture.
Note:The write wishes to state that she is not concerned with American politics.She does not in any way endorse John Kerry.The text came with the picture.In fact,the writer regards American politics as a great source of amusement.
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