Friday, August 27, 2004

Less Reason

Sean, originally uploaded by michelle_upm.

Time travels like a bird in flight,and as we age we find less reasons to be joyful.To be happy. To not have worries, to not have a terrible weight on our shoulders.As we age, we find more reasons to be sour, to forget, and to drown our memories in that blackness called the past.
To hold on or to break bridges? That is the question.
A Flower bud cannot be if not for the tree, therefore we must look down at our roots,our trunks and our branches.
Tomorrow is connected to today, and today with our actions of ten years ago.
Therefore, may it be that we spread out, but remain rooted at the same time.

Note:Thanks a million to Liz and Jason Teh, for the really kewl pix of their son ,Sean(it's Sha-awn not Si-an).This lil' fella apparently has excellant PR skills.

1 comment:

butter_cookie said...

heys... =) yay! can view ur blog now. well, well... pretty interesting stuff here eh... ;) keep it up gal... God bless!