Friday, August 13, 2004

Hunters and Gatherers

I'm finally home for the holidays. An odd feeling.To be torn between two places.When away,one wishes one were home.When home,one yearns for freedom.Torn between the comforts of heaven and the endeavors of reality.
My brother Sam mentioned yesterday, that he would like to win a Nobel prize. I says, Nobel prize in what? and he said,in Phsycology.
Apparently he wants to be the first man in the world to understand women. I told him,not possible. Has never been done.Nada.Zip.
He didn't believe me. Wants to try anyway.You'd think it was possible,since he grew up surrounded by women all his life(not at all his fault).
But , that got me thinking.Women are not meant to be understood.They are a mystery. created that way by God. Men should not try. They will drive themselves mad.
Each woman is a person. An artefact of great wealth, hidden inside.A diamond in the rough.But all women want one thing.Their common desire.To be accepted as themselves. To love, and be loved in return.

As for me, I just wanna tell Sam, all the best.

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