Time travels like a bird in flight,and as we age we find less reasons to be joyful.To be happy. To not have worries, to not have a terrible weight on our shoulders.As we age, we find more reasons to be sour, to forget, and to drown our memories in that blackness called the past.
To hold on or to break bridges? That is the question.
A Flower bud cannot be if not for the tree, therefore we must look down at our roots,our trunks and our branches.
Tomorrow is connected to today, and today with our actions of ten years ago.
Therefore, may it be that we spread out, but remain rooted at the same time.
Note:Thanks a million to Liz and Jason Teh, for the really kewl pix of their son ,Sean(it's Sha-awn not Si-an).This lil' fella apparently has excellant PR skills.
Love makes us human, and laughter keeps us sane, Fear drives us to nothingness, There and back again, but hope makes us human, and laughter keeps us sane.
Friday, August 27, 2004
Less Reason
Friday, August 20, 2004
The crystallographer
Few people know who Rosalind franklin is.Most biologists know James Watson and Francis Crick,who discovered the structure of DNA and revolutionised science forever.But, nobody has heard of poor Rosalind.
Today ,we pay tribute to a woman whom scientific history often fails to mention.The crystallographer.
Whilst still alive, she was grossly mistreated by he male counterparts such as Watson and Crick, who did not see it neccessary to recognize her con tribution to the discovery of the double helix.
It was she who provided the X-ray crystallography photographs so essential in deducing the DNA structure. However, even when the Nobel prize was awarded for this discovery, she was left out.She had died 2 years before at age 37, of ovarian cancer.The Nobel prize is never awarded posthumously.her co researcher Maurice Wilkins was awarded the prize, however.
Rosalind Elsie Franklin. Born July 25th 1920, died april 16 1958.
Here's to you Rosie.
Note: the writer wished to dedicate this entry to her coursemates, Hidayah, Erma ,Akmal, Asilah,Hani and Caroline, who will one day be(she believes) great scientists in their own right.
Friday, August 13, 2004
Hunters and Gatherers
My brother Sam mentioned yesterday, that he would like to win a Nobel prize. I says, Nobel prize in what? and he said,in Phsycology.
Apparently he wants to be the first man in the world to understand women. I told him,not possible. Has never been done.Nada.Zip.
He didn't believe me. Wants to try anyway.You'd think it was possible,since he grew up surrounded by women all his life(not at all his fault).
But , that got me thinking.Women are not meant to be understood.They are a mystery. created that way by God. Men should not try. They will drive themselves mad.
Each woman is a person. An artefact of great wealth, hidden inside.A diamond in the rough.But all women want one thing.Their common desire.To be accepted as themselves. To love, and be loved in return.
As for me, I just wanna tell Sam, all the best.
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Wisdon(part 2)
The problems of last week have gradually cleared up.This week however,is a new batch of problems.Currently,I'm sitting here at home and all my friend have gone hom for the mid semester break,but I have to stay to complete 2 assignments.So much for the holiday.Last wednesday,I developed this dreadful food poisoning,(complete with vomiting and fever),of which I'm still feeling a bit of its effects even today.Yesterday,went to visit my friends Doreen and Mel(a.k.a. Dong and Duh)who stay in this really beautiful apartment in Taman Universiti Indah ,Seri Kembangan.The place was relly clean and nice.The walkway is nicknamed'Bintang Walk'.That's how nice it is.Very unlike the dirty ,blackish,moss covered,water marked buildings we students are used to.
There's some activities in church this weekend so I'm not completely bored.A band called FORM is performing(from NZ).As I'm writing this,lovely smells are coming from the kitchen because my room mate is cooking lunch.
Did I mention all my housemates are cooking freaks?Since semester started I've eaten only about 50% of my meals outside.Nevertheless,their food is amazing,espcially this thing called tomatoes fried with egg.Did I also mention that Chun Sen's lobster gave birth 3 days ago?
Note: this week's shout out goes to Mel and Doreen for fabulous soup out of a packet and for their hospitality.
Monday, August 02, 2004

Hamster Testimonial
Originally uploaded by TuesdayAgain.
When the week of tests is over,a whole bunch of other things start to crop up.I feel like the cayote being bullied by the road runner.(Or rather the other way around).Like an ACME anvil is being thrown down at me from a precipice.My dean's list certificate was not printed,handphone charger malfunctioned,and my car radiator seems to be drinking more water than me(meaning,it's using lots of water...No,it's not leaking).And one more thing,I don't think I can go home during the uni's mid semester break because of academic commitments. *sigh*
Wish I could be as relaxed as our friend in the picture.
Note:The write wishes to state that she is not concerned with American politics.She does not in any way endorse John Kerry.The text came with the picture.In fact,the writer regards American politics as a great source of amusement.