YUI's new single,Summer song, is set to be released in early July. Here's a high quality preview (I'm hoping Youtube leaves it on for some time)
Lovely covers. I was initially uncomfortable at her wearing heels.Now I'm okay with it.It's slowly sinking in. YUI in heels. OMG..!
In recent months I've been rediscovering my musical roots, ( Was a classically trained pianist for about 13 years, reached Grade 5)However, this time it's guitar.
I tend to stay away from keyboards nowadays, brings back a lot of painful memories.When I was 4 or 5, my first piano teacher used to sit beside me with a wooden ruler, and if one mistake is made-WHAM! on the knuckles.
Ever since then, piano lessons were heart wrenching pain, endured for 12 years because of threats of punishment from both parents, not because I loved it.
Now it's a whole different story. I learn at my own pace, playing songs that I'm into. Learning to appreciate the guitars themselves, (all guitars sound different from one another, even if they're the same model)acoustic, electric, pick-ups, vibrato, sliding.This is so exciting....
So lets meets the guitars.......

Firstly, the Ibanez V300, locally assembled. It used to belong to my Dad, who got it from one of his church friends back in the 1980's. The original owner was posted to east Malaysia, so my Dad sorta 'inherited' this guitar. Fortunate fella my Dad. It has a really rich sound that resonates through the room when played.Everything a guitar player dreams of when holding an acoustic. When I first played this guitar I was 16, and didn't know how to appreciate the sound.If you look closer,the body has countless scratches and dents, showing how heavily used it was. But then,last March I sent this Ibanez for restoration at Daniel's in Melaka, and Uncle Daniel lowered the string suspension, changed the nut and re-patched a hole at side of the body(together with a whole lot of other stuff)Now It's better than ever. It has a sharper sound than my other guitar, and louder too, but altogether older, more mature, more experienced, braver. Like a bearded old sage sitting by the beach at sunset. That's the image that comes to mind when I play it.

This Morrison 2000D is my own, bought early this year. It has a more mellow sound, softer, more timid and colder than the Ibanez, but I love both of them, for different reasons and depending on my mood. She has a name, Furu no Musume (Winter's daughter) because it just sounds like a shy girl walking through a snow-covered landscape when playing her.
Some guys jokingly refer to their guitars as their wives/girfriends/mistresses, my feelings towards both my guitars are like maternal. They are my children. Ya..it's just a feeling-lah.
Currently listening to: Beautiful world,Prisoner of Love and Take 5 by Utada Hikaru (no I'm not a Hikki fan. I just think the songs are nice. Irish new-age influenced techno sounds.Reminds me of Moire Brennan)
Currently Struggling with: F/Fsharp position. Always the buzzing sound.
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