Anyway, he was saying he never knew that i liked anime and all that stuff. Good, i finally found an anime kaki in TSf apart from amelia and Dr. Zhi Hui ( who incidently has Naruto and Shonen Onmyoji posters stuck all over her room).
Loads of things have been happening. Let's see if I can remember all,
1) Passion Conference in Sunway Convention Centre
-was a volunteer because over-aged so couldn't get a ticket(at 25? come on)
-It was good.
2) Grandma's passing ( Last of my grandparents to go)
3) 7th ICPPT Seminar at Nikko Hotel, Ampang
- Presented a poster on Resistance-related responses detected in oil palm roots exposed to Ganoderma boninense extract (What??)
-Particularly enjoyed the session on barn owls as biocontrol for rats in oil palm plantations, and Dr. Paterson's video on Ganoderma fruiting body releasing its spores.
4)Elina got married . The first amongst us Microbe students since we graduated.
-Attended her bersanding ceremony in USJ with some other friends.

5) TSF/ YC College camp in Peacehaven

-In missions, the most basic thing is to meet needs.
-Ps. Malcolm's Sandwich theory.
6) Holy Spirit weekend for Alpha course
-This's not easy to describe. In my mind there has always been this concept that the Holy Spirit will come when we're worshiping, or the speaker preaches something big and flamboyant, or we all have to wait on God, the music has to be playing, etc.etc.
It happened like this, Ps. Daniel went up to the microphone and prayed a simple prayer "Holy Spirit, we welcome you and invite You into this place". No music, no worship, no emo-ness.Silence. Before that session we were watching a DVD of Nicky Gumble talking on being filled with the Holy Spirit. Before that Group discussion and before that more DVDs of Nicky Gumble talking.
After that simple prayer,it started. People were trembling, shaking, I was trembling, as though a strong gust of wind has blown into the hall. Trembling because there was such a strong, awesome presence in the room. People began to weep, fall to their knees. People were laughing, falling, breaking out in tongues. In my belly, I could feel something welling up, as though there was a fountain waiting to burst.
Yes, some of our visiting friends were shocked and freaked-out, but many more were blessed.And for me, it just broke all my concepts. It really is nothing that we do that will make Him come down. It is all God's perogative. We can't create any "atmosphere". We're fools if we think we can 'make' God visit us.It is His grace, His grace alone.
Frankly, non of us expected this. I was actually thinking that maybe one or two people will be prayed for and we'll end it. Never expected such a strong visitation.
So, that's it.
Oh, before we end:

Anyway, here's something new on YUI, she'll be releasing her new single next month, called "I'll be". Here she is at the recent rock in Japan Music Fest2008, sound of Forest stage, singing 'No Way':
I love how she does the vibrato in the intro, by tremoring her guitar, then one harmonics, then the tremolo arm/whammy bar pull. Yee..Kawaii..
Whoa... i really feel for those guests who were freaked out. i hope someone sat them down and explained what just happened :)
Yes, the newcomers were adequately explained to. Most accepted and still others did not.However, we are thankful for all He has done in our midst.
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