Yes, another event is over and I have to deal with the withdrawal symptoms, but this is no ordinary event, it's Comic Fiesta. Most of us wait a whole year for it, with so much of anticipation and expectation, and suddenly before you know it, it's over.
I know most of my friends are dealing with the after effects of CF as well, and it comes out in really strange out of character emo-ness on Facebook.
But when all's been said and done, I really had a blast.
This year it was held in Berjaya Times Square Hotel's Manhattan Ballroom from Dec 18-19. Really crowded, like no oxygen I'm in the old Puduraya on Hari Raya eve kind of crowded.
( I pre-booked mine..yay!).
Right..let's skip the boring parts..and on to the Top ten CF 2010 moments, in no particular order.

-Berth and Flo stopped by, even though they weren't into this kind of thing, but they made an effort at the end of day 1 to come say hi and take pictures *hugs*. It was Bert's first time being exposed to cosplay and she found it interesting to the max. ( I really enjoyed sitting on the toilet floor and talking to you both)

(pic courtesy of KaoruRanRan)
-Hanging out with Nekos and Bunnies on day 2, having lunch and shooting random videos.
-Having Sin Lin, Tim and Jeremy stay over and getting my first christmas gift from them
Sankyu sankyu.
Blessed Christmas everyoneee..
Awesome post! I love the cosplay costumes! I work for a new social blogging site called, and was just wondering if you would be interested in sharing your posts there with us? It wouldn't affect your blog in any way, and I know our community would love to read through your posts and poems here. Let me know what you think!
Very interesting post. Continue to write more about what you can see around.
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