For me, I'm suffering post ACG event blues and feeling moody this past few days...

Click on the sleeping neko-chan for pics.
The saving grace of the whole event was the old friends, and the new ones.
I was so glad to meet my otaku gang of Sin-Lin, Timmy, Jeremy and Michael(this time we had the chance to makan together, unlike last year),
but meeting new friends like Evyn,Celestia, Zac, plus Ash and his brother Iki... that really made the event sparkle.
The first day i spent mostly outdoors, since the *extremely efficient* MMU varsity admin decided to shift GACC to some stuffy, tiny lab area a week before the event, effectively depriving us of the exam hall that is normally used. Apparently they wanted to have their open day there. Hmm....
*They have no idea how major this event is in the ACG community.Ahaks*
*To them this is just some tiny club event that involves 50 people*
However, personal opinion was that, perhaps the whole shifting-to-the-sardine-can was a blessing in disguise.
For one, a lot of impressionable, fresh looking youngsters and their equally shocked parents wandered from the exam hall to where we were.(Poor signage? haha)
Whatever they thought about us wasn't important. At least a couple dozen people were inadvertantly exposed to the whole ACG culture that day.
Including some MMU staff...

Whom I respect a great deal. He gets my vote for best cosplay for the entire event.

Secondly, sardine can meant that we took a lot of outdoor shots..where the natural lighting was good, and the occasional breeze gave a really earthy feel to the pictures.

Seeing the standard of other cosers really challenges me to work harder and pay attention to the fine details.
Anyway, by day 2 we were back in the exam hall (Air-con, puji Tuhan).

And the crossplayers were very embellished, as always..
(*goes into screamy fangirl mode*)

Gosh, I'd kill for legs like that..

with chibi Yuffie from FF VII: Advent Children
All-in-all, too brief, too soon.
I had to leave halfway to attend FSCC's 1st anniversary celebrations, so I missed the ending.
Thanks for all the memories.
I know you have to move on, that's the way we are as humans.
Now listening to..
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