Love makes us human,
and laughter keeps us sane,
Fear drives us to nothingness,
There and back again,
but hope makes us human,
and laughter keeps us sane.
Michelle's short term wish list includes a Fender Candy-Cola Tele/Strat, with Marshall amp.
Just finished two major academic comprehensive exam and Progress Report Seminar presentation, which at first I thought,but things turned out fine in the end...
Although I feel a little worn out. (Don't you just love the Onion emoticons?)
That's why I'm taking the day off.
We loves what bin goin on this last sem...
FGA Serdang Community Centre has started. My facebook page has more pics. FSCC is a satellite church of Full Gospel Assembly, KL. So it's like a branch outlet, only it's not a branch outlet, because we have our own goals and emphasis and personality.
My friend and undergrad coursemate Asilah got married in early April ( to my Dept. senior Hamim). This is the first time I've been able to be involved in malay wedding fully. From the akad nikah ( saya si pembawa dulang hantaran branded perfume) to the bersanding ceremony.That's Asi at the dresser.
hanging out with Caroline and Hidayah in the bridal room.
The living room, where the ceremony will be held. Door gifts. Did I mention Dayah is due in August?
I carried the toiletries (upper right) during the hantaran exchange ceremony.
Asi's mum fed us chocolate cake, that's why we are happiee.
*sniffle*Asi,I'm so glad I was there for your big day.
Ring exchange. I went upstairs to take shots because the crowd was really crowding around the couple. The next day was the Bersanding,
The hall was really elegant. I loved it.
So was the dais.
I got to meet all my coursemates. It was like a reunion.
And Prof. Kathy as well. Really miss her as a lecturer.
Our friend Hunny Bunny was the bridesmaid.
Actually, we are missing our days as undergrads. All of us. I like to think that our memories keep us going. So, whatever our chosen path in life, keep on fighting. Banzai!
I'm having lotsa fun lately. Maybe more than i should have. (eh?) You know, sometimes I tell ppl I'm a grad student and they straightaway think: Booooring, boookish...know it all...not worth my time. I love love love breaking that stereotype.
My favourite girl is back, after a 6-month break from the industry and the limelight.
When I first listened to this song, it was *sugoi*sugoi*all the way I'm so proud of her. She has really outdone herself.
Note: If the video has been removed, you can hear the song in the sidebar player. Blame Sony.They've been vigorously removing all her online vids.
The single [#again] will be released June 2009 and is the opening theme for Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood currently on Animax Asia, Fridays 7.oopm (if you're a Malaysian, it's on Astro ch715)
I love it. I'm so happy. She has gone back to rocker chick mode after 1 year of writing poppy feel good stuff. This song I *adore*
It's edgy, slightly angsty, really from her heart .(Plus there's rap/hip-hop inside ) The lyrics are really hard to understand, even with great translations by our friend depyon and UchihaMel at YL. Basically, my two cents is that it's about moving on from people who have changed. Rumour has it, YUI took the break because fame changed the way ppl treated her(source:atheon), and she found her friends kinda different, and this made drained her emotionally. So this is her reply, I guess. "I'm moving on no matter what" kinda attitude.
[again] Lyrics by Uchihamel
夢の続き 追いかけていたはずなのに 曲がりくねった 細い道 人に躓く I was supposed to pursue my dreams Yet I’m stumbling into people along this narrow winding path
あの頃にみたいにって 戻りたいわけじゃないの なくしてきた空を探してる It’s not that I wish to return to that time I’m searching for that sky which was lost
分かってくれます様に 犠牲になった様な 悲しい顔は やめてよ Don’t give me that sorrowful face as if you were ‘made a victim’ just to gain sympathy
罪の最後は涙じゃないよ ずっと苦しく背負ってくんだ What lies at the end of a sin won’t be tears I’ve been painfully shouldering it all along
出口見えない感情迷路に 誰を待ってるの Who am I waiting for In this emotional maze where the exit cannot be seen
白いノートに綴った様に もっと素直に吐き出したいよ Like penning it down on a white notepad I want to pour everything out more honestly
何から逃れたいんだ 現実ってやつ What am I escaping from Something called ‘reality’?
叶える為に生きてるんだって 忘れちゃいそうな 夜の真ん中 In the middle of nights where I almost seem to forget that I am living to realize my dreams
無難になんてやってらんないから 帰る場所もないの I can’t always stay on the safe side There’s nowhere to return to either
この想いを消してしまうには まだ人生長いでしょ 懐かしくなる Life is still long to rid all these thoughts I’m feeling nostalgic
こんな痛みも歓迎じゃん Even this agony is most welcomed
謝らなくちゃいけないよね ああごめんね うまく言えなくて 心配かけたままだったね I have to apologise don’t I? Ah I’m sorry I couldn’t express myself clearly and made you worry
あの日抱えた全部 明日抱える全部 順番つけたりはしないから Everything I held close to me that day Everything I hold close to me tomorrow I won’t be assigning any preference to them
分かってくれます様に そっと目を閉じたんだ 見たくないものまで見えんだもん Hoping that you’ll understand, as I slowly shut my eyes Because I still see the things which I don’t wish to see
いらない噂にちょっと 初めて聞く発言どっち 向かい合ったら友達だって 嘘はやめてね Hearing these pointless rumors, my first response was to say ‘whatever’ ‘If we face each other then we’re friends’ Don’t give me such lies
深いハートが苛立つ様に 体ん中燃えているんだ 本当は期待してんの 現実ってやつ As irritation grows within my heart, a burning sensation sears through my body Am I really anticipating it? That thing called ‘reality’
叶える為に生きてるんだって 叫びたくなるよ 聞こえていますか I want to scream out loud ‘I am living to realize my dreams’ Can you hear me?
無難になんてやってられないから 帰る場所もないの I can’t always stay on the safe side There’s nowhere to return to either
優しさにはいつも感謝してる だから強くなりたい 進む為に I’m always grateful for the kindness That is why I want to become stronger In order to advance forward
敵も味方も歓迎じゃん Both foes and allies are most welcomed
どうやって次のドア開けるんだっけ 考えてる もう引き返せない物語始まってるんだ ‘How was I supposed to open the next door again?’ I’m figuring it out The irreversible story has begin to unfold
目を覚ませ 目を覚ませ wake up wake up (lit: open your eyes)
この想いを消してしまうには まだ人生長いでしょ Life is still long to rid all these thoughts
やり残してることやり直してみたいから もう一度行こうか I want to reset everything so that I can do the things which had been left undone Let’s set off once again
叶える為に生きてるんだって 叫びたくなるよ 聞こえていますか I want to scream out loud ‘I am living to realize my dreams’ Can you hear me?
無難になんてやってらんないから 帰る場所もないの I can’t always stay on the safe side There’s nowhere to return to either
優しさにはいつも感謝してる だから強くなりたい 懐かしくなる I’m always grateful for the kindness That is why I want to become stronger