Is it okay to complain to You when the burden gets too much?
Recently, some past rejections have come back to haunt me, and remind me once again how i had to struggle as a teenager for acceptance amongst some dissappointing friends.(I also wonder if they count as friends,)I guess nothing has changed in their camp-lar. Everyone has grown up, except them.
Yes. This is a kutuk-mengutuk entry.
I claim the right to it.
It's frustrating after being excluded from their events for like the 1000th and 1 time since i joined them. Suckers.
I just thought they'd learn how to behave themselves after all these years. Guess I'm wrong-lah
God, some people can be sooo peevish.
There, said it, now it's all out. what would You do?
You would forgive them, right?
so I realize, I have to do the same-lah.It's not going to be easy. Maybe I'll have to take some time. Is that okay?
God, this is so unfair. Unfair.How come they get to easily forget me, but I get to suffer when I remember them, then after suffering, I get to struggle with forgiving them.
That's why I was wondering, is it OK if I complain to you when the going gets tough?
what you are doing through is exactly what Jesus went through!
He died for us but some ppl still dun care about him after ALLLLLL these years.
Painfully but lovingly He still extends his love...
IT hurts lah...but if i were u, i'd let them go and move on with life. It's too short to be worrying about ppl who dont worry about u...
but that's me :)
hey...sometimes its good to let out our feelings, thoughts and fustrations. I was doing bible study on Ruth, and note that she voiced her fustrations to (many) others.
Yup, some people need extra grace to love. But Jesus had set the perfect example for us... since he understands, we can always turn to Him for strength!
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