In the middle of last month, two of our TSF senior leaders, Aaron Gajain and Esther had the chance to get married(to each other-lah) in Penang , so the rest of the leaders also had a chance to go and lend them our (moral) support.We gathered in FGA KL about 6.30am Saturday morning, all bleary eyed & misty headed, and had to make 3 stops before we actually left the klang Valley for good. First stop: Breakfast, Second stop: Petrol Station, Third Stop: Ps. Daniel's house because Flo Lee left her toiletries there.After a boring 5 hour journey,with no sign of civilisation, we finally arrived at the Juru Toll (Morris of Kenya was driving part way, Jacky of KL the other part)

Me, Morris and Elder Chan.
Next, Melody and Lake, natives of Penang, came and lead us to lunch at Bukit Mertajam 
The food was real good, just too bad that I wasn't a fan of piggy spare parts.
Thank God there was Pasembor to save the day.
Some people just stayed away from all that

and had Pork Mee instead.

This is esther ooi licking elder chan, everyone else got a free show(too bad got no pole).

After lunch, everyone went for cendol and then to jerome's house to chill.

Middle of the afternoon, we checked into Travel Lodge, Butterworth, which was just beside the wedding dinner hall. I got a bit of spare time to bathe, rest and watch Flo curl her hair with an electric heat roller. An hour and a half before the dinner, it was time to tie sarees.We made it a kampung gotong -royong thing with Eunice leaving her husband alone and coming to the girls' room to help us tie. Since there were no Indians around(Sally was still in the Island with Ps. Baii), we did it 'made in China' style, means we goreng with what we know. Eunice did her"Just- try-first-and-see" method. Thankfully it worked.Tying sarees is a headache for beginners.It took the whole hour and a half to tie mine.Fortunately, not all the girls wore saree, so we still made it on time to the dinner.
This is us with Esther the bride(in light blue saree), left to right are Charlene, Eunice(esther's sister and my amma), me, Xiao Wen, Melody, Sabrina and Esther Ooi.

This pix with Sally, Soon Yen,Qarlene and Florence(in a stunning dress) makes all the girls who were there in butterworth. Yee Leng and Amy couldn't make it as they were Convo-ing.

Also, not forgetting the guys(l-r) Judah(Youth pastor and Xiao's fiancee),YohenMorris, Lake, Jacky, Ps. Baii and Adrian.
-Marcus is taking the picture.

The Wedding dinner was revolutionary, firstly because some dunno-wat band hired to entertain sang "why does the sun go on shining, why does the sea rush to shore, Don't they know it's the end of the world, cos you dun love me anymore......." as their opening song.After that, it was a medley of Pre-war Tamil songs and badly sung chinese songs. The PA was so loud, nobody could communicate.
We tried to get away from the wedding dinner that we could go to Penang Island by Ferry. (of course we changed out of the formal wear first-lah, duh!)

Batu Feringgi was the next stop, and it was faster to go over water than the bridge.
This was my first ferry ride,
Unfortunately for me, the whole front of the ferry had ppl(read: xiao and judah) doing titanic stunts, so didn't get a real good view of anything.Had to constantly peep over ppl's(read: xiao and judah) heads.

After Bat
u Feringghi, next stop was supper.
On the right is my current boss, Ps Baii Daniel Singh. Yes, He's usually this scary, sometimes worse.

By the time we got back to the hotel, it was 2.00am, so we slept until 10 the next morning.
Aaron G took us to this really fantastic place selling asam gravy chicken rice for lunch before we left.

On the journey back, we convinced Jacky to stop at the Tapah rest area so that we could get seedless guava. That place is happening , so I bought some Dunkin Donuts as well.
This is the end of Michelle's report. All piccies courtesy of Morris the Kenyan.
P/s-Congrats to Florence Toh, Amy and YeeLeng "curly Long" who graduated around the time of this wedding.