Friday, March 31, 2006

In One Month....

I will graduate.
Even as I type the final few chapters of my thesis, I am not unsure, I am full of confidence. I've always thought that after I grad, it will be a time of uncertainty, but there is not a trace of uncertainty now, not one.
When I serve the True and Living God,there is not a moment of worry.He literally drops things into my lap, things I don't even know I want.El-shaddai is the provider of my needs.
What do I mean:
In a season when most of my friends are typing resumes and signing up for interviews, I have not witten one word.
Jesus knows the desires of my heart. It is to continue studying.
So this is what He does-
He , through my TSF FGA pastor offers me a 6 month internship in the church office.*Yay*So I start in June of this year, and end in November.Why is this so unique, so timely?
1)Because Rancangan Malaysia 9 just got announced this morning.Thus far, almost none of my lecturers can take any post-grad students because their previous grants have run out(they're broke).They need to wait for R.M.9 to be announced, send in their project proposals,get approval, get the money, then they can take in students.This will take until the end of this year.
Which is when I'll end my internship in church, and get back to uni life.Probably in the end of December or January.
2)The internship lets me stay in Serdang, I'll be near UPM, which will allow me to settle any convo issues, AND more importantly, keep in contact with my potential supervisor who'll help me prepare a project proposal that I have to hand in as part of my post-grad application.
3) I've always wanted to give my first few months post degree doing something for the Lord.Here it is.

And I still haven't written a single word of resume.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Some Photos from Faculty Night

Pictures from My Faculty Night at dePalma Hotel, Ampang on the 19th of March.

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Asilah and me. These pics come from her camera.

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Akmal, Asi, Me and Caroline

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Me and some coursemates including Dayah(Peach outfit) & Hani(kneeling beside Dayah)

Monday, March 13, 2006

Heart, We will forget him.

Heart! We will forget him!
You and I -- tonight!
You may forget the warmth he gave --
I will forget the light!

When you have done, pray tell me
That I may straight begin!
Haste! lest while you're lagging
I remember him!
-Emily Dickinson

Heart, does thou hear?It is like she says. Let us begin now, even though it will only bring temporary relief to the reignited memories. Let us start, you and I , so that our agony be released.

Currently reading: The Birth of Europe by Gerald Simons

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Heart Asks Pleasure First

The heart asks pleasure first,
And then, excuse from pain;
And then, those little anodynes
That deaden suffering,

And then, to go to sleep;
And then, if it should be
The will of its Inquisitor,
The liberty to die.
-Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson is one of my favourite poets, mainly because I seem to relate to most of the things she writes. She is most comfortable in the subjects of death and loneliness, and pain.She write them not with a sense of depression, but with melancholy.Observe... melancholy without depression. Emily Dickinson captures this element with powerful grace and fluidity.She writes about death as if it were the genial old lady next door, in whose presence she could relax and be herself, yet whom she also holds with awe and respect.So she neither embraces suffering, not welcomes it. She is neither distant from it nor too close. She is just....comfortable that its there. During her lifetime, she lived in total physical seclusion from the world, her only contacts were letters and the occasional visitors.Ironically , many of us today are not physically secluded from other people, but we feel the same loneliness.

Currently listening to: Jane Champion's "The Piano" OST (by Michael Nyman)
Favourite song: The Heart Asks pleasure first.

To hear a sample,click this entry's title(purple) and scroll down until you see a list of songs, then click on the song.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Another Boring Post

Yeah.Nothing remotely interesting ever happens in my life, primarily because:
Love life = Drama/Emo-ness
No love life = No Drama.
Anyway, in the past few weeks, I turned 23, fell sick from a sress-induced infection, experienced the true meaning of overwork and FINALLY completed my project all in a span of 5 days.
I just completed a test about 2 hours ago, and another one in the morning before that.Morning was Virology with Prof. Khaty, a semi open book test.Made a few mistakes. Apparently shingles is a complication of Chicken Pox NOT measles.The night paper was Lipid metabolism. Almost fell asleep completing the 80 objective questions Prof. Noraini set.

Things to look forward to:
1) What: Faculty night
When: Sunday 19th March 2006
Where: DePalma Hotel
Why: Get to hang out with my close friends and see Caroline in a Saree.Also get a ubiquitous award.Everybody seems to be getting one.

2) What: Korean Movie Screening
When: 12 march, Sunday
Where: Jung Sen Saeng Nim's TaeKwonDO centre.
Why: Bref, c'est un film de Korea quoi!

3) What : Extreme Saturday
When: 18th March, Saturday
Where: Full Gospel Assembly, KL.
Why: Closing of the True Love Waits campaign that started with Valentine's night banquet. Altered Frequency performing.

Currently listening to: DiDo's Life for Rent
Favourite song: Sand in my shoes.

Note: Symbols of the French culture includes le coq( the cock, symbolizing the french people's colourful and daring personality), le TGV(Train a Grande Vitesse, like LRT),houte couture(literally high fashion), Marianne(like the statue of Liberty, mother of France and her ideology),le croissant,le vin(wine is cheaper than water in France), la tour Eiffel,le baguette, le champagne et le camembert.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Aidez-moi, Signeur.

Aidez-moi, Signeur.
Je suis tres fatiguee.
Je veux reposer dans Votre bras.
Dans Votre bras d'amour.
Mais,j'ai trop de souci.
Trop de problemes.
Aidez- moi, Signeur.