Saturday, July 24, 2004

The lost of limb

Of late,yours truly has had the opportunity of joining an exclusive club called the Lame-ers.Of which,as the name explains,is not an expression of lost of limb,but of the subtle art of telling unrecognizable jokes that are severely 'cacat-ed'.members include:
Sian Lame
Lame Pin
L-Amy(pronounced lame-mee)
Gerry Lame
Richard the Lame and yours truly,
Past activities have included a tutorial on the various L signs awarded to different degrees of lame jokes,the highest of which is a song called Lame-garaku.So prestigious  that it is awarded only once every year! Another award is piala -L,which was awarded twice to Carol-lame,for answering not one ,but two lame riddles correctly.One of which is:
Q:there was a thief running away from persuing policemen.He was finally surrounded by police cars at a dead end.How did he escape?
A: Surrounded by police CARS only-mah,not the police,so he got away loh.
And one of my personal favourites,
Q:two prawns are swimming in the sea.One red,one black.Whiach one swims faster?
A:Neither. The red already cooked,the black one chow-ta. 

members have all taken a pledge to remain faithful to the ideals of  lame-ology,and delight in sharing lame jokes with each other on a regular basis.
Note: The writer wishes to dedicate this section to all the members of LAME,who have all tried uncle's infamous Roti Michael Jackson at least once.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is the name of a deer who has no eye?