If you're wondering why there's a sudden influx of Japanese culture-related editorials, it's because this is the season of Japanese festivals, and this is my (sort of) tribute to the festivities
Kimono, The Straight Line
The ultimate goal of kimono-wearing is to achieve the tube look, meaning, to hide all the womanly curves by padding the waist area. Elegance is a key value in Kimono wearing, as it actually limits the length of steps you take (trust me, it's very difficult to run in a kimono).
There are many types of women's kimono, as mentioned previously. They include:
1. Furisode
4. Tsukesaga
5.Komon & Edo Komon
(Note: These are the average women's wear, I'm not going into the more elaborate kimono worn by performers, brides and geisha).
The fabric by which kimono are made usually is heavy, thick and lined. The materials can be satin ,silk, cotton, etc. It's usually very expensive. One set can cost up to RM 40, 000 complete with obi (belt) and accesories (which I will cover in Part 3).
Let's begin with :
1. The Furisode

2 .Tomesode
One a young woman gets married, she trades in her furisode for a more mature look, and wears a tomesode for formal functions like state events, weddings, company dinners and the like.

Tomesode are crested kimono, and have 5 family crest embroidered into it. Two are found below the shoulders and 3 at the back, also at the same level. They are visible here as small white dots near the sleeve tops.The family crest or mon is specific for each family. So if you would like to wear a tomesode, be sure to get an un-crested one, or else you would be wearing someone else's name on your shoulders.
Another distinctive feature of a tomesode is that all the designs are confined below the waist. Also, the sleeves are short and the sleeve opening conservatively smaller.
The second type of tomesode is the irotomesode (iro=colour), which is similar to kurotomesode but is made of sobre-coloured fabric instead of black. The designs below the waist is less elaborate and don't contain gold or silver threads.

3. Homongi
Homongi literally means visiting wear, and are worn by both married and unmarried women. This kimono is less formal than the Tomesode, and is worn by friends of the bride/groom during a wedding or for formal parties.

4. Tsukesage
This kimono is similar to the homongi, but has less elaborate designs which are more contained.



here are some pics Yune took when we went for Ennichi last November.
These women were involved in carrying out the tea ceremony.

Last of all, here is my Yukata, which arrived last Saturday from the only Malaysian online wholesaler ohjapan.

I've just finished sewing the obi today, blue with green stripes. Now must practice tying....