Once in a while, we should all do this.
New stuffs in my life include:-

This second hand classical Valencia guitar, RM80.00 ( like tell me 'bout it ).
Bringing the total to....

Yes, we can count.(Err..it's three)

Plus this hideous ceramic mushroom thingee I got at the Biotech faculty nite lucky draw.
It'll look great in the lab, where we research on fungus.
Ahh..the lab,

It has this great hang out corner,
Just next to the....

Fungal and bacterial incubation chambers..

and laminar flows ( that's just a sterile place we do subcultures, or whatever suits you).

Life is exciting when people call your department 'Seksi'..

and your seniors have Maggi mee in their drawers next to the PCR enzymes.

Once in a while, there are sights worthy of low-grade horor movies.

This is a particle bombardment chamber for transient gene transformation protocols. Sorry if you didn't get any of that.(Credit: Agrobiotech lab)
During Chinese New Year, It's great to hang out with the younger brother at:

Jonker walk.

where there are great antique shops selling...

Ancient Peranakan style embossed tiles ( for an arm and a leg=RM 160).
To round it up:

YUI's third tour T-shirt, straight from Tokyo, courtesy of atheon-san.

Lastly, ticket to the concert of the year.
Thought of the day:

Who needs drugs to get high when you have great friends?
Currently listening to: We sing, We dance, We steal things by Jason Mraz.