Monday, August 11, 2008

You know you're a Microbiologist when.....

--The phrase ‘fermentation seminar’ is slang for having a kegger.

--If you avoid salad bars on campus because you know specifically what the coliform count is for that week.

--If family and friends avoid asking how work/school was today during dinner.

--If you yell at the doctor for prescribing antibiotics to you after diagnosing you with a cold.

--If friends come into the lab retch from the stench, but you don’t notice it.

--If talk about Koch’s postulates and wonder why people giggle.

--If you’ve seriously considered a biohazard tattoo.
--If you have a biohazard tattoo.

--If you’ve wondered what LB broth tastes like.

--If you’ve actually drank LB broth, because you were curious.

--If you follow disease outbreaks with more enthusiasm than your favorite sport.

--If you bet on said disease outbreaks.

--If, when you look into your storage fridge, you find beer right next to plates of salmonella.

--If you think that the inventor of parafilm was more of a genius than Einstein.

--If you’ve ever streaked a plate of Strep with your initials

--If you remember Latin species names easier than your friends’ names.

--If when flaming your loop you’ve thought that you are committing mass genocide—and giggled!

--If you have a personalized lab coat.(Note:Ooo, ooo, I have one of those)

--If you get pissed when someone else uses your lab coat.

--If you can roughly guess the bacteria by the colony morphology.

--If you know what ‘colony morphology means.

--If can self-diagnose food poisoning due to the amount of time between eating and symptoms.

**When you open ordinary bottles using your little finger

**If you catch yourself using sterile technique in the kitchen

**if you start calling the colonies you've plated: "My babies!

( Note: But, they're my babies ,what.! They really are)

**When you start wondering what chocolate agar tastes like…(OMG, this is soooo true for me)

** …And when you’ve tasted chocolate agar (Note: eeeewww!)

(Note:Chocolate agar doesn't actually contain any chocolate. For recipe click here, you'd be surprised what's actually in it)

** When you talk to the TV telling the actors in CSI when they've done something incorrectly

** If you’ve thought about writing a murder mystery involving botulism, an autoclave, and possibly an in-house incinerator.

(Credit to Elizabeth Mah for this)