Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Mooncake Festival

mooncake balcony, originally uploaded by michelle_upm.

A photo of my current housemates,from left: Chun Wei,Yu Yee,her sister Yen Hsien,Tuz Kuang,my roommate Hui Fen and me.This was taken on Sunday,18/9/2005 in conjunction with the mid-autumn festival a.k.a. mooncake festival on our apartment balcony.

Buffet Photo

buffet, originally uploaded by michelle_upm.

This is a shot of the International Buffet last Friday evening, presented by the final year food science students of UPM.It was held outside in the courtyard of the Food Science Faculty, which was beautifully decorated,like an outdoor garden.The food was wonderfully good.My only complaint was that the weather outdoors was hot, and the entertainment was null.
My friend the cook is in the centre(standing,with striped cap), and the rest are my housemates and some friends.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Happy in Your Arms

Hello fellow friends and Netizens,
As expected of a final year university student,life is extremely packed, therefore blog entries are few and far between. I am no exception.No apologies are required for this transgression, and no explanations demanded.I demand none from my friends, and hopefully you will demand none from me.So, from now onwards i won't apologize for not writing.There are far more important things in life that are higher on "the List".

On a lighter note,
Plenty.Just to give you an idea: last week was mid-sem break for a week but i didn't go home because had to take care of my project,and just this morning I discovered that one of the earthenware jars containing soy sauce (that I'm making myself) is contaminated with maggots.&@!#*$~% maggots.Had to throw the whole jar away and start again.Don't mind starting again. Just that traditional soy sauce takes at least 4 months to ferment completely.That's until December for you.Woohoo.(waht to do,these things happen in a project).
Why not just buy the supermarket one? you ask.(Well, many have)
This is because commercial soy sauce is full of preservatives, and cannot support growth of Bifidobacteria(that's a friendly bact. found in your tummy) whose growth in soy sauce I'm studying. So everything has to be natural and chemical-free.Commercial soy sauce also doesn't ferment naturally.These taukeh kilang all use chemicals to speed up the process.So...
To answer all your questions..Yes, I'm doing a lot of cooking.No, it's not always fun.
Almost every weekend is spent in the lab nowadays.*sigh*

Ya, ya , ya, FGA Sunday evening service is now on Saturday evenings, which is good, because can stay on late after TSF and sleep myself silly on Sunday mornings.

3)Tests,Exams,Assignments and all that rot
Just finished French 2 mid-sem test yesterday.Next week, Statistics test 2 and Spanish 1 Mid-sem exam.
Monday,an Immunology presentation, which my friends and I plan to do as a Mime. yes, you read correct, Mime.None of that boring stand-in-front-with-slides-and-talk kind of things.Everybody does that,and half the time the class is'Muka Tembok' and don't understand anything(trust me, i also muka tembok many times).So we're all gonna dress up as antibodies, cells and bacteria.There's also an umbrella and leather jacket in the props.dun ask.

3)Happy things
My ex-housemates' convo is on saturday the next,and tonight there's an international buffet being presented by the final year Food Science students,so I'm going.It's actually to support a friend who is cooking tonight.Basically all we have to do is pay,eat and fill in the assessment form at the end.So we're actually grading the students (*evil laugh*)on several aspects, not just cooking, but also on overall ambience, cutlery arrangement, service etc.etc.Anyway, my friend has already given the menu to me, sounds interesting.Here it is:

Appetizers/Starters: Garden Salad with 3 different sauces,Tiny buns filled with Salmon(can't remember The German Name) and Potato/Crab meat cream soup

Main courses:
1.Platter of 5 types of Sushi
2.Ayam Percik with white rice
3.Spiralli(pasta) with spicy sausage sauce(the one my friend is cooking)
4.Meatballs in cheese sauce.
5.Fish fillet
6.Sauted Vegetables
7.Tempura vegetables

Dessert: Cheese tartlets,fruits,tea and coffee.

So,life is good.Good things don't have to happen for life to be good. Just the way you look at it.That's why I think in Uni I learn to be contented in God's arms.Contented, no matter what happens.