I am sorely tempted to close this blog down . Sorely.Extremely tempted. This is because I never seem to have any time for anything anymore. Like, reports take up quarter of the time, assignments, lectures, church and cell group take up the rest.
I turned 22 on the 1st of March 2005. That day was a Tuesday, and I had lecture from 9am to 1pm nonstop with a lab session from 2-5pm. So nobody celebrated. Not even me.(but I did get many sms greetings,handshakes and a card from my 6 best friends)
However.......... things got interesting the next day, wednesday the 2nd of March, when i turned up for morning class, the 6 best friends were all dressed in pink, and they (pretended) to say "oh, sorry, we forgot to tell you, today we decided to all wear pink" During lunch break, they sort of suggested we don't eat our normal place and go to this air-coned place. And 2 people pretended to go and photostate something, but were actually going to collect my cake from the facul;ty of food science. Anyway, we were sitting down eating, when suddenly the cake came in and they started singing happy birthday. Hahahaha. that was a surprise. Apparently they all wore pink to celebrate.So that was the first cake. At CG that night, my CG members bought a cake(carrot cake) and we celebrated a second time. the saturday before this, my housemates bought Tiramisu cake and we celebrated. So this year, I had 3 cakes for my birthday, and I'm happy.It's as though God knows i was disappointed last year during my 21st when I didn't celebrate at all because it was the middle of exam week.So, he 's trying to make up.
Anyway, I thank Him for it , a lot.
By the way, have you all seen lemony Snicket's a series of unfortunate events? Saw it last week. Nice ,very nice, I highly recommend.
this is the last week of lecture,
Jo & Eunice are in Bali for their honeymoon.
easter is coming up, and I'm going home today. yay
Note: I don really like pink.i tolerate others wearing it, but will never wear it myself.