Friday, December 24, 2010

Comic Fiesta 2010-It's-Over-9000

There's a storm outside my window right now..and my feelings are pretty much the same.
Yes, another event is over and I have to deal with the withdrawal symptoms, but this is no ordinary event, it's Comic Fiesta. Most of us wait a whole year for it, with so much of anticipation and expectation, and suddenly before you know it, it's over.

Virgilia' wand..completed the day before CF..from cardboard and hot glue.

I know most of my friends are dealing with the after effects of CF as well, and it comes out in really strange out of character emo-ness on Facebook.

But when all's been said and done, I really had a blast.

It's shiro kuro socks on resting mode, day 1.

This year it was held in Berjaya Times Square Hotel's Manhattan Ballroom from Dec 18-19. Really crowded, like no oxygen I'm in the old Puduraya on Hari Raya eve kind of crowded.

Okay, I know, the picture doesn't depict it. That's because this was taken really early on the first day, when everyone was still lining up for tickets.
( I pre-booked mine..yay!).

Right..let's skip the boring parts..and on to the Top ten CF 2010 moments, in no particular order.

-Hugging Domo-kun along random corridor on day 2(Pic Courtesy of Elizebeth Mah)

-Berth and Flo stopped by, even though they weren't into this kind of thing, but they made an effort at the end of day 1 to come say hi and take pictures *hugs*. It was Bert's first time being exposed to cosplay and she found it interesting to the max. ( I really enjoyed sitting on the toilet floor and talking to you both)

(pic courtesy of KaoruRanRan)
-Hanging out with Nekos and Bunnies on day 2, having lunch and shooting random videos.

-Being followed by Enma Ai (woots Sin-Lin) on day 1

-and again on day 2 (woots Kumiko), somehow, Wonder if I have an invisible "please stick with me, Jigouko Shoujo" sign on me back.

-Having Sin Lin, Tim and Jeremy stay over and getting my first christmas gift from them
Sankyu sankyu.
-Male crossplayers...what can i say..I *hearts* them... I can't help it. I actually wish there were more for me to fangirl. Above is guest18 as azu-nyaaan, winner of the 2010 saimoe award.

-watching performances and the final cosplay solo competition on day 2..while Sitting Down..that's such a get to seeet down. Fav perf was Shiomaru..but I was so blown away by her voice i didn't take any pics, and of course The Version

-Finally, receiving and getting to wear the Bunny Squad T-shirt, then taking emo poses with Shiki. I shall go into a corner and continue in my depressed state.

Blessed Christmas everyoneee..

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


My life seems be from one controlling b**tard to another. I wish it was legal to gauge someones eye out with a fork.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

When it Rains

Isn't it unfair,
that those who ruined my life,
get off scott-free?